Vitro's Digital Medical Record naturally inspires user adoption - its simple and intutive user interface means less clicks for clinicians. It adapts to the way you work, is simple to use, improves clinical decision support, captures complex clinical data for analysis, reduces costs and ultimately improves patient care and outcomes.
Vitro's flexibility means no matter what stage your hospital is at, it can provide a solution that accommodates the level of ICT implementation that you would like to achieve. Create a totally paperless hospital or use Vitro's stand alone functionality, Vitro's approach allows you to take any workflow, care pathway, activity or document that is paper based and use it electronically. Create an adaptable electronic medical record that suits your healthcare organisation.
A platform so flexible that no matter what your organisation size or budget we have a solution that will suit you.
Greg Brooks, St George’s Hospital CEO “One of the key drivers of this project is to improve our patient’s and clinician's experience, using Vitro, clinicians can now access patient information on the move, and even at this early stage of the project we have seen a positive impact on patient discharge times.”