“Sláinte Healthcare welcomes the launch of ehealthireland.ie and the plans for a connected integrated information technology strategy for Ireland’s health service. Healthcare in Ireland is lagging far behind other industries and other countries in its digital evolution. It is still one of the few industries remaining that relies heavily on paper which is an inefficient way of working in this age and presents challenges for doctors and patients.
An efficient integrated technology infrastructure would enable a free flow of information between medical professionals which would mean a quicker treatment and diagnosis for patients. It would also offer patients full visibility on, and control of, their health by ensuring that their records travel with them from one treatment or consultation to the next. The Knowledge and Information plan published by the HSE sets out how Ireland can achive this over the coming years.
The introduction of legislation to deliver the Individual Health Identifier (IHI) was a major milestone for the transformation of the Irish health system. As a system now set to go live it will act as a single point of reference for each individual, and will facilitate joined-up healthcare across the primary, public acute and private healthcare systems, putting the patient rather than the healthcare provider at the centre of the health system.
To support this initiative and to give momentum to the IHI rollout, Sláinte Healthcare has been working on incorporating IHI compatibility across its product line, with a view to having IHI incorporated in a matter of weeks.
With installations in over 50 facilities across Ireland, both public and private, Sláinte’s commitment to IHI compatibility will facilitate a significant degree of opportunity to move the healthcare system forward.
Sláinte Healthcare are also pleased to note the significant recognition given to the deployment of an Electronic Medical Record in the LauraLynn hospice by eHealth Ireland, the system now described as a Model Community for Ireland, that allows others to learn key lessons in how to deliver clinician and patient centered benefit.
Since 2006, Sláinte Healthcare has been delivering digital healthcare solutions throughout the world including Europe, the Middle East and Australia. It is good to see Ireland finally following suit.”
For more information on eHealth Ireland visit www.ehealthireland.ie