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Welcome to Vitro Software's company updates and news. You will find articles about the eHealth events we are attending, digital health, company updates, client updates and more.
Healthcare systems around the world are under immense pressure at the moment, whether in the planning stage to mitigate against what might come, or facing it head-on as we speak. While always cognisant of the important service our healthcare workers provide, including those with whom we work daily, we are especially aware & grateful for their service in the current environment. We have taken precautions to help limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protect our employees; hence our teams are encouraged to work from home for the moment. We want to reassure our customers that our infrastructure allows us to continue to support them fully in this environment. We have a range of digital solutions which can help hospitals, COVID-19 test centres and home care operators deal during this pandemic...
Categories: News, Ireland & Europe, Australia & Asia-Pacific
Tags: Clients
Dr Ruth Barnes will join Laura Magahy, Alan Price and Prof Richard Greene and a host of other speakers at the next HSE Digital Academy Forum on March 11th. Ruth will share a case study from one of Vitro Software's Australian clients, the Calvary Hospital Group, the case study describes how Calvary employed the "Show Value/Grow Value" approach to start their Digital Transformation journey. Ruth will run through where Calvary started, moving to today where 12 of their hospitals from 64 bed to 180 bed are using Vitro's Digital Medical Record. She will talk about their journey to-date, lessons learned, and what is next. Ruth will introduce how the "Show Value/Grow Value" approach works, how it de-risks decision making, meets budgetary requirements and allows both large and small hospitals and healthcare organisations to embark on their journey with Digital Medical Records. **Event postponed by HSE
Categories: News, Ireland & Europe
Tags: Events, Show Value / Grow Value
IMSTA are planning to double in size as it moves into the growing field of Digital Health. “It is projected that the Digital Health Sector will quadruple in size by 2022 to €140 billion euro,” said Clare Harney, IMSTA Director for Digital Health Transformation. “Ireland is already the second largest exporter of medtech products in Europe. We have the companies, the skills, the expertise and the people to lead the Digital Health transformation of health services worldwide.”
Vitro Software is delighted to become a member of IMSTA. We see the role of industry as a critical pillar in the digital health landscape in Ireland, a country with an array of successful homegrown digital health companies with significant international experience.
Tags: Healthcare in Ireland
David Andrews, Vitro Software's VP of Business Development, will be attending HIMSS20 in March this year. Being at HIMSS provides a great opportunity for attendees to imagine how technology can drive healthcare systems of the future, to meet the upcoming demand driven by increased life expectancy. We are keen to share our vision and to compare and contrast it to others. As well as hearing about what is next in digital health & Healthcare IT trends, meet potential new partners, network with hospitals that are looking to start their Digital Transformation journey, and also catchup with some of our own clients and partners. **Event cancelled by HIMSS
Categories: News, Africa & Rest of World
Tags: Conference
We are delighted to be exhibiting at this year's APHA (Australian Private Hospitals Association) annual conference. The 39th annual conference will be taking place at the Adelaide Convention Centre from March 15-17th, 2020. The APHA Congress will bring together leaders from across the private healthcare sector to discuss the ever changing health landscape in Australia and this year focus on "The impact of innovative technologies on health care". What new technology is already being employed overseas and what impact will it have when it arrives on our shores? Issues such as technology advances, cyber-attacks and artificial intelligence as well the risks or benefits they pose will all be discussed through panel sessions, debates and plenaries.
Categories: News, Australia & Asia-Pacific, Events, Ireland
A new $345 million state-of-the-art private hospital from the Calvary Hospital Group has officially opened in Adelaide with clinicians using Vitro's Digital Medical Record. The Digital Medical Record at Calvary, which was co-designed with their clinicians to meet their exact requirements, manages their patients' clinical information while also integrating with their existing hospital systems. Since its implementation which initially focussed on end of bed nursing, Calvary has year on year expanded the use of its Vitro product including care areas such as paediatrics, maternity, oncology, rehab, drug & alcohol and mental health.
Categories: News, Australia & Asia-Pacific
We are delighted to welcome Stephen Ryan as our new Chief Financial Officer. Stephen has 30 years’ experience in finance, predominantly at CFO/FD level with technology companies. Prior to joining Vitro Software Stephen provided successful interim management solutions to a range of software industry clients. Stephen’s advisory business started after his time as CEO of ADS and previously Head of Finance with CAPE Technologies.
Tags: Appointments
We are delighted to welcome Paul Kruss as their new Regional Sales Director in Australia and New Zealand. Paul has almost 15 years’ experience in the healthcare industry, having worked previously for Provation Medical, Wolters Kluwer and McKesson. Paul is looking forward to helping Hospitals and Healthcare Providers so they can quickly and easily embark on their Digital Transformation journey with a fully integrated Digital Medical Record that provides an impressive time-to-value.
Categories: News, Australia & Asia-Pacific, Media Releases
We are delighted to have partnered with CeADAR, Ireland’s Centre for Applied AI. This partnership aligns with our vision of using digital transformation to improve the patient experience and that of the organisations and individuals that care for them. David Nash says "This is an important step for us and our clients, we will start to work with them over the coming year and beyond on projects that enable clients to be more efficient in their operations and ultimately improve the patient experience."
Tags: Digital Transformation, AI, AI in Health
St George's Hospital has gone live with the first phase of their Digital Medical Record implementation. Greg Brooks, St George’s Hospital CEO “One of the key drivers of this project is to improve our patient’s and clinician's experience, using Vitro, clinicians can now access patient information on the move, and even at this early stage of the project we have seen a positive impact on patient discharge times. Seeing our clinicians embrace Vitro so quickly and the exceptional feedback we have received from them has given us great confidence in the decisions we made around our digital strategy.”
Categories: News, Australia & Asia-Pacific, In the News, Media Releases
Tags: Clients, Media & In the News, Digital Medical Record (DMR)